
Play Hockey in the Water

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Play Hockey in the Water - Sports hockey very similar to football. Game by relying on physical and involves body contact is usually played on a field. But have you ever imagine what if the ground game is carried into the water. Curious is not it?

Hockey can be played not only on the field. Hockey is one sport that American society is required it can be moved into the water. His name is underwater hockey.

Invented in 1953 by members of the British South Sea Scuba, Alan Blake, underwater hockey, of course, different from the usual.

The first, the game takes place in the water (swimming pools to be exact), with the players dribble puck (ball tin slab, weighing 1.3 Kg) with a stick down the bottom of the pool to be able to throw the puck into the goal.

The second is, do not be a rough body contact as in hockey. So, the puck is touched first, not the body of the opponent.

Lastly, this game uses a snorkel. This means that the players must rise to take the occasional breath.

Many are mistaken and think that the game is boring. This game is actually very challenging. More challenging than football.

While at a depth of 2-3 meters, the opponent can not only come from the front, back and sides, but also come from the top. Similarly, breathing.

Arrangements must be in accordance with the power of breath. This is because it only has one chance to take a breath and last a long time in the water.

Moreover the number of players just as much as six people (three back and three forward). They all had to wade through an area of ​​25 square meters is.

In underwater hockey, winning the deciding factor is not actually working but hold your breath. So much energy is spent just to dribble and shooting the puck in the water.

Players at least hold my breath only for five to ten seconds. So the key is to work together to create goals in this game.

Australia and Singapore are two countries that were first popularized hockey in the Asia-Pacific region.

In Indonesia alone, a new team was formed in 2010 with a club called Jakarta Underwater Hockey Club. Although only one-year-old, active members JUWHC counted as many as 60 people.

Quite a lot considering it's just an area of ​​Jakarta. So if you intend to play, which should be required only basic swimming skills alone. Easy is not it? Good luck.

With what?
Because the "fight" hockey is in the water, a tool that supports the following games:

1. Snorkel plus mouthguard in order to breathe and protect the mouth.
2. Head cap to protect the head and ear.
3. Without the goggles, what can be seen in the water?
4. Fin allows moving faster in the water.
5. The hockey stick is made of water.
6. Puck or ball.
7. Silicon glove to protect the hand that brushed the bottom.

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